Saturday, 12 September 2015

IFM Mass Subcomm Outing!

G'day! It's our first ever IFM SUBCOMM OUTING for AY 15/16 WOOOO!

Kudos to the departments we have assigned with specific tasks for carrying out your jobs well! The effort could be seen from the faces on the rest of the subcomms :) The respective departments were Admin finance, Programmers, Food logistics. Even though the subcomms were all split into departments, we were all still "ONE IFM".

Excited much?!

We started the day with some ice breakers, volleyball/beachball as well as one of the empires getting their punishment for being the losing team! Who doesn't love doing punishments as a group right?!

After the activities, we proceeded to have  lunch by the beach. Food with a scenic view, come on, what could be better than that? Unfortunately, it rained seconds later, before anyone managed to sink their teeth into the homemade sandwiches and pastas made by some of our fellow subcomms. That did not prevent us from having our delightful lunch!we headed to a nearby shelter to continue eating.

More bonding games after lunch!

 Final Forfeit for the day. Definitely got everyone riled up

 Games and activities proudly brought to you by Team Programmers!

 Mass Debrief before we head to shower followed by dinner together at Vivocity

 Home Sweet Home, what a day it has been for all of us. Strangers become friends, friends become closer. 

 Final group shot before we head home to rest, thanks to everyone for coming down to participate and help out!


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